However, it is difficult to render the true colors of a product.
Note also that the color rendering may vary from one screen to another.
Gypsophila Stabilized - Natural
Reference: SF-F442-01
Origine : Spain
Dimensions : H 50-70 cm (non-contractual indicative values)
Colour : Natural
Packaging : Bouquet
Preservation technique : Capillarity stabilization (More info)
Slight variation in colour
Natural leaning towards yellow
Some parts may be broken
The thin and delicate foliage of gypsophila is ideal for adding volume to your bouquets or floral arrangements.
Generalities : Stabilized flowers are natural. Variations in sizes, shapes and colours can exist between elements of the same reference. Some parts may present slight defects (slightly split petals, damaged sepals...).
Humidity : If the humidity level is too high, a few drops of colour can flow from the flower. Dark colours flow more easily. Do not put it in contact with any other flower or light-coloured porous material to prevent it from dying.
Light & heat exposure : The flower exposed to the sun for extended periods of time may discolour - Exposed to heat, it dries out.
Evolution over time : Over time, flowers tend to wither and fade more or less. Dark colours discolour more than light ones.
Flower's colour : Food colouring (non-toxic)
Discover our Gypsophila Stabilized - Natural, available on secondflor, your wholesaler of preserved flowers and plants.
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